The site is owned by the company Divine Oil / Nour El Hadri in its entirety, and all rights thereto.
Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. However, hypertext links to the site are permitted without specific requests.

Oil Divine / Divine Paris Oil is an online retail store:
Operator: Nour El Hadri
Registered in Sirene de Paris
Siret: 487 637 902
VAT: FR7048763790200015
Registration in the commercial register
and corporate and business directory
CNIL registration number:
Registered office: 23 avenue René Coty 75014 paris

1) Acceptance of Terms:

These general conditions of sale govern the contractual relationship between Nour El Hadri operator brand Divine Oil and buyer and terms applicable to all purchases made through the online shop
The buyer prior to his order, states have full legal capacity, allowing it to engage under these terms and conditions of sale.
The buyer acknowledges, at the time of ordering, the general conditions of sale stated on this screen and expressly accept them without reservation.
These terms and conditions prevail over any other general or special conditions not specifically approved Nour El Hadri operator of the Divine brand oil.
Nour El Hadri operator brand Divine Oil reserves the right to modify these general conditions of sale at any time without notice. In this case, the conditions will be those in force at the date of validation of the order by the buyer.

2) Geographical area:

Oil Divine book in France and in some countries: See the list of countries and modalities in information delivery

3) Products and availability:

The products offered are those listed on the site of Oil Divine.

Our offers are valid until they are visible on the site, and subject to availability. In the event of unavailability of product after placing the order, we will inform the buyer by email and only the products will be charged. Divine oil will then need to paypal to subtract the price of (or) product unavailable to the amount taken from the bank account of the buyer (Paypal). If payment is made by check, credit or a refund check will be offered to the customer.

The buyer may, before ordering, be aware, in accordance with Article L. 111-1 of the Consumer Code, the essential characteristics of the product they wish to order.

4) Choice of products:

The buyer is solely responsible for his choices. Prior to his checkout, the buyer was made aware of products and their characteristics. In addition, the buyer knows only its needs and obligations is the sole judge of products we use. It belongs exclusively to the buyer, if he does not feel sufficiently competent, to have the assistance of professional advice.

5) Price:

Prices are in euros.
The price on the product description does not include shipping.
The price listed in the order confirmation is the final price. This price includes the price of products, handling, packaging and transportation costs.
Nour El Hadri operator brand Divine Oil reserves the right to change prices at any time, except that the catalog price in the days of confirmation of the order will apply to the buyer subject to product availability ordered on that date.

6) Command:

Orders are placed on the site

The automatic registration systems are considered as proof of the nature, content and date of the order. Oil Divine confirms the acceptance of his order to the buyer at the email address he has given. The sale will be concluded only after the confirmation of order.

Divine oil reserves the right to cancel any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute over payment of a previous order.

The information provided by the buyer, when taking an order is this: if an error of name and address of the recipient, the seller can not be held responsible for the failure in which it could deliver the product. Any costs incurred by the Oil for Divine products returned will be borne by the buyer.
The buyer, who wishes to buy a product must:
– Fill in the form of identification which show all the data requested.
– Check the order,
– Make payment as provided,
– Confirm the order and its regulation.
In case of unavailability of a product ordered, the buyer will be notified by mail as soon as possible.
In any case, Nour El Hadri operator of the Divine brand oil can not be held liable for breach of the order for the following reasons: out of stock, product unavailability, late delivery of its suppliers, strikes, disturbances, natural disaster, war, fire, accident, acts of God in general.
Any order or suspected fraudulent as such, will be considered by Oil divine as null and void.

7) Payment:

The price charged to the purchaser is indicated during the order validation and on the order confirmation sent by Divine Oil.
The price is payable upon validation of the order by the buyer.
Payment is by paypal in a secure environment. The order validated by the buyer will be considered effective only when the payment centers concerned have given their approval. In case of refusal, the order will be canceled and the customer notified by email.
Payment by check is accepted. However, the shipment of the order will be effective upon receipt and cashing of the check.
In addition, Divine Oil reserves the right to refuse any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute.
At the request of the buyer, it will be sent an invoice.

8) Deliveries:

On our website we ensure that deliveries in France. Delivery rates are those of the mailing of the current year (colissimo without signing-cons):

The shipping costs for shipments to foreign countries will be based on international parcel post rates of the current year:

Orders confirmed by Divine oil are generally processed within 24 to 48 working hours, except holidays. Orders received between Friday and Sunday evenings are usually processed on Mondays, except public holidays. These times are indicative only.

In any event, after the confirmation of the order, Divine Oil agrees to deliver to its carrier, all items ordered subject to availability within 10 working days.

If the delivery to the expiration of that period, the buyer will have the option to cancel the order. The amounts paid by the buyer will be refunded promptly. The buyer may not claim any compensation.

Deliveries are made to the address specified in the order.

For reasons of availability, an order may be delivered several times to the buyer. The buyer pays for one delivery. If the buyer wants two places of delivery, he spent two orders, with delivery charge.

Delivery will be made by the Post colissimo 48 h without signature. This service is reliable and fast, 3 to 5 business days. The possible delays do not entitle the buyer to claim damages.
The goods always travel at the risk of the consignee in case of damage, loss or theft must take recourse against the carrier, solely responsible.
Failure to comply with procedures set out below, no claim by the buyer will be accepted by Nour El Hadri operator of the Divine teaches oil.

1) The buyer must check the appearance of the package before signing the receipt of the factor or the deliveryman. If it is opened or damaged or if the buyer has any doubt, it should open and check inside the package in the presence of the factor. If items are damaged or missing, the buyer should absolutely refuse the package and indicate on the delivery of mail reservations handwritten, detailed, dated, explicit (package refused on the ground …) and sign this slip and ask to mail the return of the parcel to the sender “Oil Divine” with a damage report (report 170) and remain in possession of a copy of this form. If the package was delivered in the mailbox of the buyer and that he has any doubt given the condition of the package, the buyer must not open the package but to go without delay to post office, and follow the same procedure in the presence of an officer of the Post. Oil then contact Divine by mail within 48 hours and has the following address Always follow this procedure if oil Divine can not respond to your complaint.

2) In case of late delivery from the initial date, the purchaser must notify by mail to Divine Oil, to conduct an investigation with the carrier.

A survey of the Post Office can take up to 21 working days. If during this period, the product is found, it will be immediately forwarded to the delivery point specified in the order.

However, if the item is not found at the end of this within 21 days of investigation, the carrier considers the package as lost and Oil Divine proceed at his own expense to a new shipment of products ordered by the buyer. If the product ordered were not available at this time, Divine Oil refund the product or products concerned by the loss of carrier.

No claim for non receipt of colissimo will be accepted by Nour El Hadri operates the Oil teaches Divine beyond one month after shipment. No complaint of late delivery on a colissimo not give rise to compensation of Oil Divine.

Are considered as force majeure releasing the seller from its obligation to deliver war, riot, fire, strikes, accidents, inability to obtain supplies and any act of God in general.

9) Withdrawal:

In accordance with Article L121-20 of the Consumer Code, the buyer has a period of seven days from the date of receipt of the items, to return at its expense, products ordered.

The products must be returned Oil Divine in perfect condition for resale in their original packaging intact, with all accessories, manuals, and documentation as described in paragraph No. 10 Return Process.

When a buyer returns a product, any risks associated with returning the product is borne by the buyer.

Upon receipt of the returned product and found to comply with Divine oil, it will reimburse the purchaser by check no later than within thirty days of receiving the item.

10) Return Procedure:

To avoid misidentification, any return must first be notified to the seller by email to so that a return number assigned to it.

Slip into the package, on plain paper, this return number and your full name and address (to allow Divine Oil identify you quickly) and send your parcel carefully packed at the following address:

Oil Divine Paris
23 Avenue René Coty
75014 Paris

Simultaneously, e-mail to the tracking number of packages delivered by mail to allow oil to follow the Divine receipt of your package.

Oil Divine does not accept parcels sent freight collect.

11) Claim:

Report any discrepancies within 48 hours of receipt of your package, email

12) Warranty:

Products benefit from the legal guarantee provided by Article 1641 of the Civil Code concerning latent defects.
In case of non compliance the product can be returned to the Divine oil will exchange or refund as described in paragraph No. 10 “Return Procedure”

13) Liability and Litigation:

This contract is subject to French law.
Nour El Hadri operator of the Divine brand oil can not be held liable for breach of contract for the following reasons: out of stock, product unavailability, late delivery of its suppliers, strikes, disturbances, natural disaster, war, fire, accident, acts of God in general.
Nour El Hadri, in his capacity as intermediary seller, shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect that may arise from the purchase and use of its products. Only the manufacturer’s responsibility is engaged.
Nour El Hadri, can not be held liable for damages of any kind, whether tangible, bodily or that could result from a malfunction, improper handling of products sold or disregard of the information on products or packaging of these products. It is the same for any changes resulting from product manufacturers. Responsibility for Nour El Hadri, operator of the oil teaches Divine will in any event, limited to the amount of the order and can not be blamed for simple errors or omissions that may occur despite all precautions taken in the presentation of products.
Nour El Hadri, in the process of selling online is only bound by an obligation of means. His liability can not be held liable for damages resulting from the use of the Internet, such as data loss, hacking, viruses, interruption of service, or other unintended problems.
In case of difficulties in the implementation of this contract, the buyer has the option, before any legal action to seek an amicable solution with the help of: a professional association in the industry, an association of consumers or other counsel of his choice.
Claims or disputes will always be received with attentive benevolence, good faith is always presumed in those who took the trouble to explain his situation. In case of dispute, the buyer should first contact the company to reach an amicable solution.
Otherwise, the Paris Commercial Court has exclusive jurisdiction.

14) Legal Information:

Intelligence information collected for purposes of distance selling is required, this information is essential for processing and delivery of orders and preparing invoices. The lack of information result in the cancellation of the order. According to law “and Freedoms”, the processing of personal information about customers has been declared to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL). The buyer (Article 34 of the Act of January 6, 1978) a right of access, modification, revocation and delete data concerning him, he can exercise with Oil Divine. Oil Divine undertakes not to provide free or in exchange of the coordinates of its buyers to third.
The processing of information, including the management of email addresses of users of the site has been declared to the CNIL.

15) Filing – Proof:

Oil Divine archive purchase orders and invoices on a reliable and durable as a true copy in accordance with the provisions of section 1348 of the Civil Code.
The computerized records of the vendor will be considered by the parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties.

16) Partial invalidity:

If one or more provisions of these terms of sale are held to be invalid or declared as such under any law, regulation or after a final decision of a competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions full force and effect.